Buy Next Month’s Fast Pass Online Now
Muni offers passes online, but only from the 10th to the 22nd of each month. (As opposed to hundreds of transit systems worldwide, including Caltrain, where you can buy your pass at any ticket machine.) In any case, if you don’t feel like standing in the line at the cable car turnaround, buy now and the pass will be mailed to you. You can also buy prepaid parking cards.
The SFMTA site could use a bit of a refresh / clean-up. The 10th – 22nd timeline doesn’t seem to be common knowledge or communicated obviously on the site. I bought my pass online last night when they went on sale, curious to see how long it takes to arrive, and if my information is remembered next month.
I don’t think it remembers you. That would be a nice enhancement – to automatically send you the ticket each month. Kind of like those tickets by mail programs Caltrain and others have had for decades.
Those of us nowhere near Bart don’t like subsidizing the “free Bart within San Francisco” part of this pass. When Bart serves the west part of San Francisco, then I’d be happy to pay for it. But until then, give us a discounted pass without the Bart.
On the BART issue, I would disagree. Muni actually takes advantage of BART to provide core network service along the Mission corridor. Absent BART there would need to be a *big* increase in service along Mission and San Jose/I-280 – certainly costing more than Muni’s payments to BART for the service.
This along with the obvious convenience benefits of the fast pass led Rescue Muni to oppose any proposal to remove BART from the pass or charge more for BART.