Effort Forming To Oppose Anti-Transit Parking Initiative
The momentum to defeat the so-called “Parking for Neighborhoods Initiative”, sponsored by Donald Fisher and developers of parking structures, is growing. Here’s one website by
an organizer Jeffrey Baker against the initiative (not Rescue Muni), with an email list you can join to help defeat it.
Opponents include:
Also critical are:
[…] the hard part: This measure, because of the parking limitation language, which runs counter to the pro-parking, anti-transit ballot measure also appearing on the November ballot, will be more controversial than was Prop E. The supporters […]
[…] profiled the so-called “Parking for Neighborhoods” initiative today. The initiative, opposed by Rescue Muni and many others, is “a veritable minefield of unintended consequences. … Incredibly, the initiative […]
The proposal may be flawed but we need more parking. I favor both improved pubic transit and more parking. I use both. Most of the arguments against the proposal are speculative and tell me things like that if I favor the proposal I am against trees. I am also told I should be against the proposal because some rich guy backs it. It seems to me that a lower supply means a higher cost so that only the rich will be able to afford to park their cars. If we want to get people out of their cars, improve public transit. Taking a position against cars will not improve MUNI.