BOS Hearing on MTA Safety Monday
This should be interesting: Supervisors Dufty and Elsbernd have called a hearing before the City Operations and Neighborhood Services committee on Monday, August 10 to discuss Muni’s recent safety and reliability problems, notably the Muni Metro and F-Market crashes. The meeting is in the Board Chambers at 10:30 am.
Meanwhile, some riders were stuck on an inbound M-Ocean View car for 19 minutes in the subway yesterday before being taken to the wrong stop. This sort of thing happened during the “Meltdown” of 1998, and it’s very disappointing to see that it’s happening again.
any chance the Supes will ask what sort of work culture allowed the “early’ ATCS exit despite rules to the contrary?
$5 says No. Certainly noticed noone asked Ford when he was on Forum.
“overall accidents are down but high-profile crashes undermine the public’s confidence in Muni.”
I must stress that Muni is still safe to ride, safer than using a car on the whole. These hearings should put more pressure on Muni to be faster and safer, however.