8 Dec 2003
Vote Tuesday December 9!
04 Nov 2003
31 Oct 2003
Four Days and Counting
We now have door hangers available; we need volunteers to
help distribute them to residences around the city. Call
or e-mail Andrew Sullivan (415-609-8801,
andrew@sulli.org) if
you can help.
19 Oct 2003
Do-It-Yourself Posters
Rescue Muni delivers! If you can help put up posters but
can't make it Wednesday, call (415) 218-4358 and a
volunteer will drop some off for you.
You can also print up posters yourself; we recommend
bright-colored paper for maximum visibility. We have
fourteen different flyers available in
PDF and
PostScript format.
Some are generic, and others refer to specific projects
which may be in your area. Feel free to pick whatever you
think will work best. See also
official postering
19 Oct 2003
Poster Distribution Wednesday
At 5:30pm on Wednesday, October 22, stop by Embarcadero
Station on your way home from work or around town. We'll
be at the west end of the underground portion, just
outside the Muni and BART faregates - look for people with
the bright orange posters plotting and planning. You can
help put up posters with a group that evening, or just
grab some to take home and put up in high-traffic areas
around your neighborhood or workplace. Packing tape can
also be provided if you need it.
Sunday's postering campaign was a good start; we covered
Market from Castro to Van Ness, the Duboce bike path area,
part of Van Ness Ave, Church to 24th, and gave out piles
for the Mission, Alamo Square, bits of SOMA, and hopefully
some Geary. But that leaves a lot of the city yet to be
19 Oct 2003
Prop K Postering Campaign Today!
Meet at 2pm, Sunday, October 19, at the Baghdad Cafe, 2295
Market Street (at Noe, 1 block inbound of Castro
Station). Look for The Man in the Alarmingly Fluorescent
Green and Yellow Shirt. Posters have been made; we'll
divide up the city and hang them up.
8 Oct 2003
Researching Prop K
The San Francisco Planning and Urban Research
Association publishes an outstanding
analysis for every municipal election. This
November, Proposition K seeks to reauthorize the city's
special sales tax, which would provide crucial capital
funding for a wide range of pubic transportation
projects. Read
analysis of Prop K for a summary of what the
measure will do, and a thoughtful assessment of pros
and cons.
The SF County
Transportation Authority site has a
(PDF) describing the expenditure plan for these
funds, as well as the
text (PDF).
Rescue Muni leadership participated in the drafting of
this plan; the organization has also made a series of
2 Sept 2003
Rescue Muni Endorses Gavin Newsom, Yes on K
At stake in November's election is the future of the
Mayor's office and the reauthorization of the City's
transportation sales tax. Read the
press release announcing our
official position before you cast your vote.
[Responses to our mayoral candidate questionnaire are
Gavin Newsom |