Ridership up, but so are fares nationwide

August 18th, 2011

A recent survey by the American Public Transit Association found that despite increased demand for service nationwide, fare increases and service cuts are becoming more common due to escalating labor and maintenance costs and reduced tax revenue. Often, the only place to go for additional funding is the riders – so fares go up. SF’s $6 cable car ride is cited in the study (though frequent riders know to get a monthly or weekly pass).

Two way McAllister coming THIS WEEK

August 1st, 2011

That was fast! On August 4 (Thursday), SFMTA is reconfiguring McAllister and Seventh Street North to two-way, in order to make the inbound 5-Fulton more direct, removing the current detour via Hyde Street. Assuming overhead wire testing is successful, the new, faster route for the 5 will begin after overhead wire testing is completed. This is an easy fix that we have recommended for a while, and that was endorsed by the SF Transit Effectiveness Project.

SFMTA announces new CEO: Ed Reiskin

July 21st, 2011

Today the SFMTA announced that Ed Reiskin will be taking over as CEO. Reiskin comes to the SFMTA from the city’s Department of Public Works, where he has served as director since 2008. Before that he ran the city’s 311 center, and in the past has worked for the city of Oakland and the District of Columbia.

Reiskin is held in high regard with the board of supervisors, and has a strong working relationship with Mayor Lee from his years of working for Lee while he was city administrator.

The new CEO’s has signed a 3 year contract with a yearly salary that will be $294,000, which is $15,000 less than former CEO Nat Ford.

General Meeting: 7/18 @ SF County Fair building

July 8th, 2011

We will be holding a General Membership meeting on July 18th, 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the SF County Fair Building’s Garden Room in Golden Gate Park (1199 9th Ave). SFMTA’s Director of Transit John Haley will be speaking about the status of TEP, what the MTA has to gain from the new TWU250-A contract that resulted from Prop G, and member Q&A.

About John Haley:

Mr Haley started with the SFMTA in early 2010, and has 30 years of experience with transportation issues, including those at the Metropolitan Transit Authority in Houston,  the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,  the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, and BART. See also: SFMTA Press release.

Arbitrator: Contract stands

June 14th, 2011

An independent arbitrator has ruled that the contract agreed to by the SFMTA and the TWU Local 250A leadership, but rejected by the membership, must stand. There have been some veiled threats of a strike or shutdown as a result, but so far no explicit action.

SF Weekly also covered this.