Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-08

March 8th, 2009

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Muni on time reliability up to 72%

March 3rd, 2009

SFMTAToday the SFMTA will publish service standards results showing improved on-time performance, according to the Chronicle. On time performance has improved to over 72%, up 3 percentage points from last quarter, but still far short of the 85% on time required by the voters in Proposition E passed ten years ago.

The report will be discussed at today’s SFMTA Board meeting.

Chronicle: Renegade union steward could face dismissal

February 22nd, 2009

Kavai Muao-Harris could face dismissal for blocking the Woods division bus yard gate for an hour over a seniority rights and job assignment issue. About 70 buses were delayed for the early morning rush hour.

Irwin Lum, president of the Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A, appologised to Muni riders over the inconvenience.  Lum cites the issue of growing resentment of lack of employee respect from Muni management, and that morale is plummeting due to the agency’s budgeting woes.

Chronicle: King street train crash finds driver at fault

February 22nd, 2009

AccidentLast summer’s King Street train collision was the result of a fatigued driver that was using his cell phone for phone conversations and to download from the Internet. The 45 year old driver had a record of two other at-fault accidents, and according to a Muni spokesman, the driver is no longer on the Muni payroll.

MTA considers two-way Hayes St with rush hour bus lane

February 10th, 2009

Afternoon 21-Hayes commuters stuck in outbound traffic, and morning commuters annoyed with the one block detour by City Hall: help may be on the way. The Planning Department and MTA are looking at the option of restoring Hayes Street to two-way operation, with a rush hour bus-only lane for the evening commute. If this is done, it should save a few minutes on every outbound trip – which would be a huge improvement for long-suffering riders.

If this is done, however, it is vital that the bus lane be included. Ideally an inbound bus lane should also be included for the morning rush (e.g. between Gough and Market). The Chronicle discussed possible opposition to the bus lane due to lost parking as a reason it might not be done – if this were to happen, service would most likely be slower than it is today, which would be unacceptable in a transit-first city.

Update: Muni Diaries has a comment on this proposal.